Raw Travel Videos - Season 8

814 Webcut Extra- DakhaBrakha in Concert
A short montage of Ukraine's famed "DakhaBrakha" live in concert in New York City, October, 2019.
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812 Episode Preview- My Fellow Travelers
Rob discusses world travel with world travelers while traveling the world.
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815 Webcut Extra- Bad Hair Day in Laos
Travel is tough on hair, especially when you don't have much to begin with. Throw in some cheap (government-issued?) shampoo, and it's a hat day all day!
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811 Webcut Extra- Rob & Cynthia Recap Georgia (the Country)
Rob & Cynthia recap their buddy road trip through the country of Georgia with their mutual friend, George of "Expert Guides Georgia."
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816 Trailer- Side Tripping the USA
Raw Travel side trips off-the-beaten path destinations across the USA
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811 Behind The Scenes- Lost in Georgia (the Country)
Sometimes the best part of a buddy road trip is getting lost... and arguing (in a fun way) with your travel buddy.
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808 Trailer- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Rob is surprised by the unexpected charms emanating from the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.
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820 Trailer- Float Your Boat
Recounting just a few of our journeys traveling on nature’s most precious resource, water.
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818 Trailer- Extreme Cuisine
Rob tries some delicious but mostly not-so-delicious and extreme cuisine from around the world.
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817 Episode Preview- A Friend Indeed
Discovering the joy of being a friend indeed to neighbors most in need all around the world.
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