Raw Travel Videos - Travel Tips

10-16 Tip: Using South Korean Toilets

South Korean toilets are so high-tech and fancy, you need an owner's manual and an emergency button, in case you get into trouble. 

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10-13 Tip - How to combat jet lag

Rob shares his tried and true method for combating jet lag when arriving. Yes, it involves a silly-looking headband.

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10-12 How to Live La Vida Local

Rob offers some tips on how to "Live La Vida Local," the local life in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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10-11 Tip: Non-French Speakers Visiting Paris

Do you really need to speak French when visiting Paris, France?

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10-10 Tip - How a shirt can save lives

This Empathy = Strength shirt literally saves lives. Visit RawTravelGiveBack.com to find out how.

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10-09 Tip- Slow Travel is the New Luxury Travel

Slowing down when traveling is the new luxury.

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10-08 Tip- Familiarize Yourself with a New Destination

It can be fun and healthy to familiarize yourself with a new destination.

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10-07 Tip- In Croatia, Cash is King

When visiting Croatia get ready for a mostly cash economy.

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10-06 Tip- Dining in Paris

Many restaurants in Paris kick it old school, closing after lunch to prepare for the dinner crowd. Here's a tip if you're hungry in between meals.

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10-04 Tip - Use jet lag to reset

Jet lag isn't all bad. It can reset your clock and get you back in the swing "early to bed, early to rise."

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