The Give Back

Travel has a way of transforming lives and changing the way we see the world. Amazing things can happen when we take a break from our daily lives, leave behind our routines and explore other cultures.
Voluntourism, or giving back while traveling, either to the environment or to local people in need, is one of the fastest-growing segments in the travel industry, and for good reason. Traveling may often lead to a desire to do more than just become a passive tourist, and become an active traveler.
Travelers are finding that volunteering while abroad, even if just for a short part of their journey, helps create one of the most fulfilling experiences of a lifetime. While it’s sure to change the lives of the people being helped, it’s just as likely to change the lives of volunteers.
There are so many different ways to give back that we couldn’t possibly cover them all. However, we have tried to incorporate the spirit of giving into our episodes. By providing viewers with resources, we hope to get them started on the road to a different kind of travel experience and maybe even a different kind of life. More importantly, we hope to inspire you to give back in your own way based on your own unique travels and circumstances.
Please stay tuned to our social media platforms links to organizations that we incorporate into our shows or that can offer assistance to volunteers when traveling.
Also, please visit for our most recent giveback initiatives.
As with any pursuit, we recommend you do your research and due diligence before committing to a project to make sure it has the best interest of both the traveler and the cause at heart.
If you have a recommendation for an organization or information to include in the show, please feel free to CONTACT us here or on our various social media platforms.